Excel Online Workshops

Short, focussed training on essential topics, guaranteed to save you time and effort immediately. 

    • Short in duration (1 to 3 hours)
    • Great range of topics
    • Packed with tips and recipes
    • Pick one, pick many
    • Suitable for small and large groups
    • Suitable for all abilities
    • Less disruptive to your schedule
    • Maximise your training budget
    • Prioritise what you need to know

    Excel Fundamentals


    Get Started with Excel

    Whether you are completely new to Excel or just a bit rusty, get started with this quick overview of Excel features and uses.

    Navigating Excel. Features. Help. Templates. Examples and common uses. 


    Create your first spreadsheet

    Find out how to move around Excel’s grid of cells, typing in numbers and text as you go. Learn how to navigate Excel and find the commands you need. Save your first spreadsheet.

    Filter, Sort, Extract, Summarise Excel Databases


    Data Tables in Excel

    Organise your data in Excel databases, lists, tables. Avoid costly spreadsheet disasters! Working with database features in Excel and making sure you get it right is essential.

    Create a table. Rows and columns. Filter, sort. Summarise. Format borders, cells. colours, text. Merge and split cells.

    Visualise Data with Excel Charts


    Create Charts from Data

    Turn data into graphs and charts and communicate essential information clearly by making the right decisions. Find out how to use Excel charts in PowerPoint or Word and how to create linked charts. Solve formatting problems when copy-pasting charts across documents.

    Chart types. Line chart. Pie chart. Bar chart. Chart options.


    Advanced Charts

    Discover tips and techniques to create advanced charts, complex charts and dynamic charts in Excel, add trendlines, perform forecast analysis and more.

    Trendline. Forecasting. Dynamic Charts. Formatting axes. gridlines, legend. Switch rows and columns. 


    Visualising Data with Excel Sparklines, Conditional Formatting, Charts

    If you are familiar with charts, discover new ways to visualise your data, tracking KPIs and producing beautiful visual reports. 

    Conditional formatting, formula-driven conditional formatting, Charts, Sparklines.

    Functions and Formulas in Excel


    Functions 101: Calculations using Formulas and Functions

    Get started or refresh your knowledge of calculations in Excel. We start with simple calculations, learn how to link workbooks with formulas and introduce functions in Excel.

    Relative and absolute ($) cell references, basic operators (= + x / -). Statistical functions SUM AVERAGE COUNT COUNTA MAX MIN SUMIF COUNTIF.


    Functions 102 and Formula Auditing (Data Imports and Statistical Functions)

    Expand your knowledge of functions and combine them (nesting functions) to work on large amounts of data or data imports. 

     includes Formula auditing tools, Error checking, IF,  Logical functions, Date functions, Financial functions etc.



    Functions 103: Compare, Match, Lookup

    IVLOOKUP! How do I make it work? We look at lookup functions, their different uses and common errors.

    includes VLOOKUP, SUMIFS. XLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, Error functions

    Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Reports


    PivotTable Quick Start

    Use Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to summarise large amounts of data in a dynamic way. This module shows you how to get started and what to look out for.

    Advanced PivotTables

    We go beyond the basics of PivotTable and PivotChart reports and introduce more ways to calculate and display information.

    Macros, What-If Analysis, Dashboards, Solver


    What-If Analysis

    Do you need to build what-if scenarios? Do you need to be able to compare outcomes based on a number of variables? Do you need to forecast outcomes or meet certain constraints? This is for you.


    Scenarios, Goal Seek and Solver


    Solver: Optimisation Problems in Excel

    Dig deeper with Solver. Find answers to difficult scheduling problems. Maximise income, minimise costs with Solver and Scenarios

     Solver. Optimisation. Regressions. Scenario Managers.



    No programming experience required. Record macros to automate repetitive tasks – and learn how to troubleshoot them when things go wrong. We don’t learn the VBA language required to create macros in this course, just some basics to navigate an existing macro.

    Record, Apply and Fix Macros. Relative recording. Dynamic Recording. Debug your code. Adapting VBA code.



    Dashboards and Dynamic Spreadsheets

    Build solid spreadsheet models, control user inputs and deliver dynamic spreadsheets with the tools and techniques in this session.

    Tables. Conditional Formatting. Charts. Dynamic charts. Dynamic titles. Scroll bars. Consolidate data.

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