Have your Tasks or Reminders gone missing from your Google Calendar? It may be due to one of your extensions.
Firstly, if you aren’t already using Reminders in Google Now and Google Calendar – you are missing out. If you are an Android user, you can speak reminders into your device and they get added effortlessly. You will then receive notifications on the go or at your desk.
But if you already use reminders successfully on your smartphone and they don’t appear on your PC, then we need to fix this…
The Tasks or Reminders calendar doesn’t show under My Calendars (in Google Calendar, using Chrome). Also you can’t add new reminders using Chrome. However, if you open you Calendar in other browsers, they appear correctly/
This may be due to an extension which blocks tracking sites . Check in your list of extensions whether disabling the extension solves the problem. Alternatively use a different browser.
This is the fix for the Disconnect extension. Browse to your calendar. If Tasks/Reminders isn’t showing under My Calendars, then click the Disconnect extension (one of the icons near your search bar).
A popup set of options is displayed. Click “Whitelist site” to… whitelist the site, which means that the tracking is no longer interrupted for this particular site. Refresh the calendar page and you will see Reminders/Tasks is back.
By the way, what is Disconnect, you say?
When your browse the internet, publishers may track information about your visit for statistical purposes and for boosting their advertising strategies. If you generally don’t like being a statistic, extensions like Disconnect will block such features on pages you visit and also inform you of the amount of tracking you are subject to unknowingly. Very interesting in itself…
You can install Disconnect from the Chrome web store

Holy shit I could not figure this out for the life of me. Totally would not have expected that behaviour. Thank you.
I know, right? It took me a while before I coud figure it out, and so many search results that ended nowhere, that I had to share the solution!
Thanks man, you saved my morning, well most of it anyway. I’ve been searching for about an hour and finally came across your solution. I started up a Chrome incognito instance and could see the Reminders/Tasks toggle there but not in my regular Chrome session. At least I knew the function was there but I would’ve never figured out what the problem was without your help. Thanks so much.
thank you for this, I would not have expected Disconnect to be doing this to me. I was going mad trying to figure it out.
Google search had no answer on why reminder function was not showing on desktop. Thanks for pointing to the Chrome Extension. I found in my Calendar extension, x’d on notifications and now it’s back. Thanks!
I followed the instructions but this didn’t work for me. The Reminder check box and the Task checkbox are displayed on the left, but only the Tasks icon is displayed on the right. I whitelisted the Calendar, refreshed the page, and still nothing.
Dimitri, it’s possible that another extension is blocking your reminders. This is what I would do to try and narrow down what would cause this:
– Open your calendar on a different device (your phone, in Desktop mode) or browser (e.g. Firefox or Microsft Edge)
– Open the calendar in a new Chrome incognito window, assuming you have all extensions turned off
If the problem is solved then you will know whether this is browser-dependent or that extensions may be causing the problem. Disabling or enabling each suspect extension one by one will help you narrow down to the cause of the problem and then you can look for settings within the extension for a solution.
If you find another offending extension – or any solution – it would be great if you could let me know and I ‘ll update the blog with your findings.
Good luck!
AdBlock was causing it for me. Turned it off for Google Calendar and I have reminders and tasks! Thanks.
It’s great to know about that issue with AdBlock as well, Tom! Thanks for your comment.
Adblock caused it for me too! I whitelisted google calendar and finally I can see and create Reminders/Tasks on my google calendar. Thank you so much! It was so difficult finding a solution to this.
disabling add AdBlock worked for me as well.
I first installed disconnect extension – problem fixed
Then turned off add block for calendar followed by uninstall disconnect extension – problem fixed also
So glad I found this page, it was driving me crazy – I now see that AdGuard ad blocker was stopping Reminders from showing. Many thanks!
I added Disconnect. Unblocked calendar.google.com. Turned off ublock. Still have 40 reminders on web, and 49 in Google calendar app. When I make a new reminder on app, does not appear on web. But, when I make one on web, it appears on app. Help!
I’m not a developer and hope someone can help. I never knew what an “extension” was but in the bar above every page in my Chrome browser I see an icon resembling a jigsaw puzzle piece which opens to a page of “extensions” for Adobe, Boomerang, Cisco/Webex, Google Docs, Google Keep, Google Sheets and Google Slides. Now that I’m here, what would I do to get “reminders” back in my Google Calendar? Thanks very much.
Each extension has an option to enable or disable it.
Step 1: To figure out if extensions are causing the issue, try this:
Either open an incognito session of Chrome (in Chrome press CTRL+SHIFT+N to start an inognito session). Open your calendar in this session. Problem solved? Move to step 2.
Alternatively, disable all extension to see if that resolves the issue of missing reminders. Move to step 2.
If neither solves your issue, it’s probably not caused by an extension. Try a different browser?
Step 2: To figure out which extension is causing the issue
Disable all extensions and enable them again one by one. Refresh your calendar page each time you enable/disable and extension.
When the problem appears, you know that the extension you just enabled is conflicting. Remove the extension or adjust its settings.
Hope this helps