Learn to Automate Excel with Macros and VBA

Visual Basic for Application (VBA) is the programming language which powers Excel macros and many other Microsoft Office applications, like Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. The benefits of learning VBA are many: You will be able to automate repetitive tasks. You will...

Universal Social Charge (USC) Formula in Excel

Did you have a bit of a shock when you received your payslip at the start of the year? Did you gasp? Did you reach for your calculator to double-check the amount but then realised you were a little confused by the Universal Social Charge (USC) calculation rules given...

What is Power Pivot for Excel

If your company data comes from multiple sources or you run out of cells in Excel, activate PowerPivot and the Data Model in Excel. What is Power Pivot? Power Pivot is an add-on for Excel called PowerPivot released by Microsoft allows you to generate reports by...