Course Outline

Microsoft Excel Advanced Course

This course is designed to be hands-on. You will learn skills that you can apply to your own work. Bring your own projects, files and questions to the training, or use our free support anytime after training.

We specialise in on-site and online customised training, which means we can schedule the course at a date that suits you and tailor the content to address your requirements.

Are you a seasoned Excel user and want to find out what else Excel can do for you? Learn the best of:

  • Data modelling techniques
  • What-if Analysis
  • Advanced PivotTables
  • Charting
  • Macros


Microsoft Excel Advanced Course Content

Course Duration

Please contact us to find out information regarding course duration, times, and start and end dates

Course Objectives

After completing this course you will be able to build complex data analysis and decision making models; use what-if scenarios, solvers and build reports. You will be able to mine data with PivotTable and PivotChart reports; you will build complex interactive spreadsheets.

Course Prerequisites

Please get in touch with us and we will inform you of what you need to have in order to partake in this course

Who is this Course for

Experienced Excel users who need to handle complex spreadsheet models in reporting and what-if analysis.
Outlining & Grouping your Data

Outlining and Grouping your Data:
• Using Automatic Outlining
• Displaying And Collapsing Levels
• Grouping Data Manually
• Creating Subtotals
Using Pivot Tables

Creating PivotTables:
• What Is A PivotTable
• Creating A PivotTable Frame
• Specifying Data in a PivotTable

Rearranging PivotTable Data Pivot Tables and Charts:
• Modifying PivotTable Calculations
• Formatting A PivotTable
• Refreshing A PivotTable
• Charting A PivotTable
• Creating A PivotTable Based On Data From An External Database

What If Analysis

Exploring Scenarios:

• What Is A Scenario?
• Creating A Scenario
• Creating A Scenario Summary Report
• Saving Multiple Scenarios

Goal Seek, Data Tables and Solver:
• Using A One And Two Input Data Table
• Using Goal Seek
• Using Solver

Excel and the Internet

Excel and Hyperlinks:

• Hyperlinks and the Internet
• Inserting Hyperlinks
• Modifying Hyperlinks
• The Web Toolbar
• Browsing Hyperlinks In Excel

Excel Workbooks as Web Pages:
• Interactive and Non-Interactive Web Pages
• Saving A Workbook As A Web Page
• Saving A Worksheet As A Web Page
• Saving A Chart As A Web Page
• Saving A Range As A Web Page

Creating & Using Shared Workbooks

Creating and Using Shared Workbooks:

• Sharing A Workbook
• Requesting Reviews
• Reviewing A Workbook
• Tracking Changes
• Merging And Revising A Shared Workbook
Advanced Excel Tasks

Advanced File Management:

• Identifying File Properties
• Searching For Files
• Protecting Personal Information
• Creating Back Up Files
• Changing Auto-Recovery Settings

Custom and Advanced Features in Excel:
• Customizing Excel By Changing Options
• Using Custom AutoFill Lists
• Text To Speech
• Using Detect And Repair

Macros and Form Controls

Creating Macros in Excel:

• What Is A Macro?
• Creating A Macro
• Playing A Macro
• Assigning A Shortcut Key To Macro
• Macros, Buttons, And Toolbars

Excel Form Controls:
• What Is A Form Control?
• The Form Toolbar
• Adding A Control To A Worksheet
• Assigning A Macro To A Control
• Form Controls

Visual Basic (VBA) and Macros

Visual Basic (VBA) and Macros:

• Adding Code To Your Macro
• Adding Comments To VBA Code
• Declaring Variables
• Prompting For User Input
• Iteration Over A Range
• If Then Else Statements

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